The Golden Girls Ep 170 The Commitments with Kristin Lytie and Molly Dean

Nov 30, 2017, 01:00 AM

We had the totally great Kristin Lytie (@KristinLytie, Beast Village Comedy Festival, Spaceship Comedy) and also the awesome Molly Dean (@WLDbrryHashTart, The Freakin' A's, Comedy On Fire) on the Golden Girls podcast! Hooray! We watched the one where Dorothy is fixated on a Beatles cover band and she falls in love with a George Harrison impersonator. Also, Blanche starts dating a guy that will doesn't want to have sex with her at all and Blanche basically explodes. We talked about matchmaker murders, childhood waterbeds with mirrors on the ceiling and Beatles songs during manic episodes. Music by Mike Dennison (@mikd33) and Brian Kokernak (@kokernutz).