Blame game over #Brexit deal breakdown over the border - former DUP MLA Nelson McCausland and @MaireadMcGMEP discuss

Dec 06, 2017, 09:35 AM

Arlene Foster claims British negotiators told her the Irish government stopped Downing Street officials from showing the DUP the text of Monday's Brexit deal. That is a huge claim. But the Irish government have categorically said this did not happen. We need to flush this out. And we've tried to. So Arlene Foster says the Irish government stopped the the British government from letting the DUP see the text. The Irish government says that's not true. We asked Downing street if the DUP's claim was correct. But they told us they "are not commenting on Brexit negotiations". Stephen got reaction from former DUP MLA Nelson McCausland and Fine Gael MEP Mairead McGuinness.