Make Someone's Christmas 2017 - Tracey Swift in Sittingbourne

Episode 1,   Dec 11, 2017, 03:54 PM

We've joined forces with Kent Reliance again to make Christmas 2017 for a number of people in Kent, the best yet.

Day 1, and here was the nomination from Beth Peal.

"Tracey leads Sittingbourne Scouts and she is out, all kinds of weather throughout the year supporting Scouting to happen in and around Sittingbourne. Over the last 2 years, Tracey has grown Scouting to have a much more 'team' feel and has brought everyone together which has been really good. She makes people feel that they 'can do' things and make a real difference to the lives of young people in the district. I would like kmfm and Kent Reliance to give Tracey some pampering - she does so much for everyone it would be awesome to help Tracey out herself first and be pampered.