The #1 thing you need to start or scale your online business

Dec 16, 2017, 02:38 PM

The secret to going pro with your passion is not about being on every social media platform, despite what you might have heard. I am passionate about helping struggling authors and entrepreneurs because more than 5 years ago I was one too! Fast forward to today, and now we have a global business with thousands of clients from all around the world.

So how did this happen? It's quite simple actually. It's because we discovered how to use our email list correctly.

The other day I called up the founder of ConvertKit, my friend Nathan Barry. I told him how many tribe members were asking for more help in this area. I'm committed to helping the Igniting Souls Tribe get set up for some success in 2018.

We decided the best strategy would be to host a free workshop on why email marketing is a key foundation to publishing a book and growing a business, and how you can use email to do both.

Nathan introduced me to the best woman for the job, my new friend and fellow creator Isa Adney from ConvertKit!

Isa is the Webinar Producer at ConvertKit, and she's also an author and blogger (her first blog has been viewed over 1 million times!). ConvertKit is an email service provider that is geared toward helping creators like us and other authors and entrepreneurs earn a living doing what they do best.

The live workshop will be Tuesday December 19th at 10:00am Pacific |1:00pm Eastern and you can save your seat right here!


During the workshop Isa is going to teach us:

  • Why an email list is crucial to growing our readership and our business
  • How to use email marketing to get published and sell more books
  • What to write in our emails to help grow our audience and our business

This workshop is useful for anyone, not just those who use ConvertKit, so you’ll get real, actionable takeaways that you can implement right after the workshop, no matter what tool you use.

Be sure to register for the workshop even if you can’t make it live, because we'll make a replay available until midnight the next day to anyone who registers. (I think it's a smart move to make it live though because Isa has a $200 bonus that’s only available for live attendees).
