Secretary of State @JBrokenshire urged to slash MLA pay by more than £13,000 if they don't get back to Stormont

Dec 20, 2017, 09:39 AM

MLAs are facing a pay cut of almost £14,000 if the Assembly doesn't get back to work soon. But the blow will be softened by a two stage reduction in their salaries. Those are among proposals being considered by the Secretary of State James Brokenshire. The plan to cut MLAs' - almost a year after Stormont collapsed - has been drawn up by the former Assembly chief executive Trevor Reaney. Here's what he proposes: cutting the MLA salary from £49,500 to £35,888, with an immediate cut of £7,425, followed by a further reduction of £6,187 in three months time. The plan also includes reducing staff allowances in the future. So, is that fair? Or should MLA pay be stopped altogether? Stephen was joined by commentator Brendan Mulgrew, Alan McQuillan, a former member of the Pay Review Panel that sets MLA pay, SDLP MLA Nichola Mallon, Alliance MLA David Ford and we took your calls.