4-Panel 122 - A Silent Voice // To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts // ...

Jan 15, 2018, 02:31 PM


Spider-Man Vs. The League of Binge Drinkers

It's 2018 and 4-Panel return for more anarchic comic-book and manga mayhem.

As it's the first show of the year, we're duty-bound to look back at highs and lows of the past 12 months - in a manner of speaking! We also discuss Marvel's annual cull of not-so-popular comics and the final days of the popular unlicensed manga website Batoto - who have long been a friend to scanlator groups everywhere.

This week's featured comics and manga are Marvel Superheroes: Larger than Life, To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts volumes 4 and 5, and A Silent Voice volumes 5 to 7.

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Thanks, and until next time, don't read anything we wouldn't!

#Podcast #TheGeekShow #Movies #Netflix #2017 #Reviews #Comics #GraphicNovels #Manga #JusticeLeague #JasonAaron #Marvel #DC #Image #Spiderman # DrStrange #ToTheAbandonedSacredBeasts #ASilentVoice #4Panel #Superheroes #YoshitokiOima #Maybe #Kodansha #Batoto