#115 So Close to Amazing with KariAnne Wood

Nov 20, 2017, 11:00 AM

KariAnne writes the decorating and lifestyle blog, Thistlewood Farms from the back porch of her vintage farmhouse in the rolling hills of Kentucky. She followed God's call for her heart and jumped with her family from the busy Dallas metroplex to the middle of the country where she lives with her husband and four children.  If you turn down the winding country road to KariAnne's farmhouse you might find her painting mismatched chairs, listening to the music of the crickets singing in the pasture, singing scripture or walking hand-in-hand with her knight-in-shining-armor husband as the sun sets over the river. She loves sweet tea with lime, thunderstorms, good books, milk glass, yard sales and she is an imperfect DIYer saved by grace. What we chat about: Technology and teens The relationship with teens and their siblings The challenge of setting rules for kids at different ages Giving consequences that fit the crime Learning to speak "teenager" Modeling the behavior you want to see in your kids The story behind KariAnne's new book Links mentioned: So Close to Amazing: Stories of a DIY Life Gone Wrong . . . and Learning to Find the Beauty in Every Imperfection Parenting with Love and Logic Where to find KariAnne: website // facebook // instagram // twitter // pinterest Episode Sponsors: Queen Bee Market  Lovepop: Enter 2018 Lovepop Birthday Sweepstakes and win 50 Lovepops by visiting LovepopCards.com/MSW!  CanvasPeople: Get an 11x14 canvas FREE + shipping by using the promo code GONE at checkout (for a limited time)! Support the show: Shop Amazon Affiliate Link Share the Struggle! Find me on Instagram or Facebook because I want to hear YOUR thoughts on this episode!  If you've been encouraged by the show, please share it with another mom.  The struggle is real.  We might as well do this together! Some links above take you to Amazon.  When you click through, anything you purchase there will help offset the costs associated with producing the show. It doesn't cost you any extra, and it helps me out.  Everybody wins! Thank you for your support!