#103: Strong and Broken All at Once with Lee Blum
Lee Blum is an author and Mental Health Practitioner whose story has become a testimony of how God can use the ugliest parts of your life and turn them into something beautiful. For much of her youth, Lee lived with deep depression and a life-threatening eating disorder. After being hospitalized, and by God’s grace, she made the decision to begin the brave journey to choose a different life - not a perfect life, but one defined by bravery, strength and brokenness. What we chat about: Accepting that God's plan for our lives is likely different than our own Understanding the factors that can lead to eating disorders A healthier way of speaking about food to our children Building community through transparency The struggle to see ourselves through God's eyes Links mentioned: Table in the Darkness: A Healing Journey Through an Eating Disorder Brave Is the New Beautiful: Finding the Courage to Be the Real You Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World Compared to Who?: A Proven Path to Improve Your Body Image Where to find Lee: website // facebook // twitter Episode Sponsor: Cultivate What Matters Shop by Lara Casey The Write the Word Bible journal is unique. With my small business, and three littles running under the same roof, my "quiet time" each day is pretty loud! I prayed one morning for God to give me a simple way to connect with Him, right in the thick of it, and the Write the Word journal was born. On each page, you'll get a selection of specially-selected key verses to write out, along with space to write your thoughts, prayers, or whatever God places on your heart. Use your Write the Word Bible journal in whatever ways you wish! These journals are all about grace and digging into God's life-giving truth. Buy yours today! Save 15% off Write the Word journals through October 24 with code MOMSTRUGGLINGWELL Support the show: Shop Amazon Affiliate Link Share the Struggle! Find me on Instagram or Facebook because I want to hear YOUR thoughts on this episode! If you've been encouraged by the show, please share it with another mom. The struggle is real. We might as well do this together!