#45: The one where we model the awkward race conversation in hopes that you will have one too

Jul 11, 2016, 08:31 PM

So today's conversation is a little different. In light of this week's events in our great land, some friends and I decided (really THEY decided and I couldn't think of a good reason to get out of it) we should model an honest conversation on the topic of race because we were already having them.   My friends and I are all podcasters and each come to the topic of race with different perspectives.  Retha of Journey to Balance is black and Tiffany of  A Mom's Mission Field is white and has two adopted boys who are black.  I have received feed back from multiple friends of mine (who I was talking about this with while trying to get out of having to have this conversation!) who told me a conversation like this is EXACTLY what they need to see modeled right now.   So here you go.  It is a little long but it WAS 2 hours.  I got it down to 51 minutes which was evidence of the Lord's hand at work.  I am super pleased with how it turned out and know you will find yourself somewhere along the continuum of ideas expressed.   You very well may disagree with some of the ideas.  You will most likely feel uncomfortable.  I encourage you to stay in it to the end and pray through the parts that make you cringe.  Ask God to tell you what you need to take away from the conversation.  I am ridiculously thankful for these ladies and the way they have lovingly challenged me and I look forward to sharing this with you as well.