Keyframe 103 - 2017 (The Good Side)

Jan 21, 2018, 11:00 PM


We've kicked arse, so now it's time for the second half of our look back at anime in 2017 and the better things that were released during the year.

Get ready to take some names because it's time for the good stuff!

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Thanks, and until next time, don't watch anything we wouldn't!

#Animation #Anime #Cartoons #KeyFrame #News #Podcasts #Reviews #TheGeekShow #BestOf2017 AnimationAwards #2017 #TheNightIsShortWalkOnGirl #LuOverTheWall #LandOfTheLustrous #Adaptations #Crunchyroll #Manga #Books #LightNovels #AmazonPrime #ASilentVoice #TheAncientMagusBride #GirlsUndPanzerDerFilm #ReCreators #MadeInAbyss #MarchComesLikeALion #DescendingStories #ShowaGenrokuRakugoShinju #MissKobayashisDragonMaid #ACCA13TerritoryInspectionDept #NatsumesBookOfFriends #TheRoyalTutor #AltairARecordOfBattles #ElegantYokaiApartmentLife #GirlsLastTour #Inuyashiki #RecoveryOfAnMMOJunkie