Episode 37 :: I'm Not Being Mad, I'm Just Being Loud

Jan 28, 2018, 08:51 PM

WE DID IT! YAY! WE"RE DONE! “SONIC HIGH SCHOOL” by DarkDoomFireMaster is finished. Everything was resolved and there were zero open threads and it was totally satisfying and not at all just a relief to be finished. Okay... bold faced lies throughout the last sentence minus the fact that we finished.

But not only is that hot mess over, we've started another: "Velma's Big Dick" by squall. It's a classic that most of us almost entirely forgot. The fresh horror unearthed is just as bad as it was the first time.

Readers: Stevo, David, Shawn, Val, Judi

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: https://nerdyshow.com/2018/01/friday-night-fanfiction-ep537/