S3 Ep2 - Ross Noble and Hadley Fraser

Feb 14, 2018, 01:36 PM


Comedian Ross Noble and actor and singer Hadley Fraser join Jolyon and Heydon for our first double header of the series. Ross and Hadley are currently starring together in Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein at the Garrick Theatre in the West End. They take time out of their busy schedules to feast upon topics such as the collapse of Carillion and Kids Company, The Brexit Blackhole and they guys take a cheeky look at audience member etiquette - or lack thereof - to round off the episode.

Make sure you follow @realrossnoble and @hadleyfraser and check out their fantastic podcast Poddin' On The Ritz, recorded backstage at the Garrick Theatre in London.

You'll find @jolyonrubs @heydonprowse @NewsRoastPod on Twitter. Get in touch, we love to hear from you. 

And finally, a huge thanks to this week's sponsors of the podcast, Hello Fresh and Shipstation. Don't miss out on their amazing offers, you'll find full details in the episode on how you can claim yours!

This episode was recorded on the 30th Jan 2018.