Episode 52: Mallrats With Logan Rishaw

Feb 15, 2018, 05:01 AM


Mallrats, Clerks, Dogma. Kevin Smith has made a lot of movies that have penetrated (high five dude) the culture. But he's not exactly a universally loved artist. Judge-y pieces of shit like George find him intolerable now. but Comedian Logan Rishaw loves him. Come listen to our conversation and let us know what you think.  

Don't forget, if you want to be on the show or have something you want to tell us, email us at secondshotpod@gmail.com or call and leave a voicemail at 216-309-0942

#Podcast #Cleveland #Ohio #comedy #KevinSmith #MallRats #clerks #Tusk #JayandSilentBob @KevinSmith