Mount Rushmore at the Garden, the male Kardashian, and more!

Feb 26, 2018, 05:12 PM


Corey Parson, Matt Modica, and Jake Ciely open OT of Fantasy Sports Today saying how Lavar Ball may be an overblown reality star, but he knows the ins-and-outs of the basketball business. The guys give New York City's Madison Square Garden their Mount Rushmore, looking at Big Apple stars like Patrick Ewing and Mark Messier. Rotation Nation heads to the North Side of Chicago, looking at the Cubs rotation that is bolstered by Jon Lester and Yu Darvish. 

#FNTSY #NBA #NHL #MLB #MountRushmore #Knicks #Rangers #LavarBall #BigBallerBrand #PatrickEwing #WaltClydeFrazier #MarkMessier #BrianLeetch #MadisonSquareGarden #Cubs #YuDarvish #JonLester #KyleHendricks #TylerChatwood