Daniel Sieberg

Episode 89,   Feb 16, 2012, 05:22 AM

Another DAM podcast interview with Daniel Sieberg Here are the questions asked, plus details on how to enter a book drawing: -How are you involved with Digital Asset Management? -You recently authored the book, “The Digital Diet: The 4-step plan to break your tech addiction and regain balance in your life” Tell us tech addicts more about this. Daniel Sieberg is donating a copy of his book to one luck listener of our book drawing. To enter this book drawing, send me an email telling me why you like Another DAM podcast and/or Another DAM blog before March 1, 2012. Feel free to rate the podcast and blog as well. The winner (1) will have the book mailed to them. -What advise would you like to share with DAM Professionals and people aspiring to become DAM Professionals? #AnotherDamBlog #AnotherDamPodcast #audio #Author #BookDrawing #DAM #DigitalAssetManagement #DigitalDiet #DigitalMedia #HenrikDeGyor #interview #Linkedin #podcast #DanielSieberg #TechAddiction For a full transcript, visit http://anotherdampodcast.com/