Emma's Ring

Mar 02, 2018, 03:38 PM

This ring was made for me by my friend, Natalie, who is a jewellery designer and we did a swap. She made it for me and I took some photographs for her because I’m a photographer and the reason I chose this ring is because it’s very unique because the original design didn’t have the hole in but then on one of the designs, this piece where the hole is, actually fell out and I thought it was really beautiful and so did some other people so she started to make them and I was the first person who had one and it was really nice because I’d never afforded myself anything too expensive, to go and have something measured specifically for me. But she did that. She measured it for me and we chose the materials and the three little black diamonds in it and just being able to have something that I know my friend made is… I cherish it and everyone comments on it so it was a very nice experience.