Órale Boyle Heights Ep 4: Javier Cabral

Episode 4,   Jan 15, 2018, 03:17 AM

Órale Boyle Heights is recorded at Espacio 1839 in Boyle Heights in front of a live studio audience. My guest this month is none other than that vato loco from East Los Angeles, Javier Cabral aka The Glutster. Maybe you've read his stories in the LA Times, LA Weekly (before it went to shit) or in Munchies from Vice. After a hot mic drop on my end, Javier and I get to talking about his experiences growing in East LA, his passion for food, writing about it, punk rock, and putting nacho cheese on hot cheetos. Keep up with him on twitter and instagram at @theglutster and read some of his past work over on his website: www.theglutster.com