Reports that Sinn Fein has also been involved in excluding civil servants from meetings in order to avoid official minutes being taken - @SJAMcBride and @malodoherty discuss

Mar 27, 2018, 08:34 AM

Last week we heard how the current head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service David Sterling revealed that meetings with government ministers sometimes weren't minuted to stop freedom of information requests. This morning the Belfast Newsletter has revealed that just over a year a go the then Sinn Féin Infrastructure Minister, Chris Hazzard, had been due to bring civil servants to a meeting with Sinn Féin MP Paul Maskey and taxi company owners. However, at the last minute Mr Hazzard told the officials not to attend, meaning that there was no departmental record of what happened. Vinny spoke to Newsletter political editor Sam McBride and commentator Malachi O'Doherty.