#93 JuggLife LIVE-Oakland

May 01, 2018, 02:49 PM

We visit Max's Gym in Oakland, CA to discuss training the Snatch and developing Bar Trajectory. Today's episode is brought to you by Hyphy and Hypertrophy. Max defines Bar Trajectory (2:20), shows some drills to improve this quality (4:10), discusses how/when to implement drills and variations into your training (9:15). The guys go on to answer the fan's questions including structuring weekly training between strength and skill (18:45), how should the hips make contact with the bar (21:00), using tactile coaching cues (25:10), using variations to manage fatigue (28:20), how to fix jumping backwards in the snatch (31:20) and more. Get everything you need for a calming shower, smooth shave and minty clean bum at https://www.dollarshaveclub.com/JuggLife

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