PODCAST | Berkshire Hathaway's annual meet: The Mecca of Corporate America's annual general meets

Episode 12,   May 07, 2018, 11:15 AM

Billionaire and all-round world leader in investment, Warren Buffett, the man they call the Oracle of Omaha, and his company Berkshire Hathaway had their annual meeting over the weekend. Buffet and his partner in crime, Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman Charlie Munger, addressed questions from shareholders, journalists and analysts at the big do. Munger said about Buffett, “He sits around reading most of the time and thinking, and every once in a while he talks on the phone. I can’t see any difference…Warren is very good at doing nothing.” Munger is the 94 year old investor who loves Coca- Cola. The beverage, not the stock. 

From colorful mascots to kiosks showcasing product lines to Warren Buffett's witty and insightful speech, this is a unique event that is marked on the calendars of all large investors', corporates' and media houses.

It is a celebration of Buffett’s success at a conglomerate whose businesses range from insurance to railroad to candies to knives.

The big news from the event was his admission that he bungled on Amazon and Google. Hey, even the best falter from time to time. “I had [a] very very very high opinion of [Jeff Bezos’s] ability when I first met him, and I underestimated him,” Buffett reportedly told CNBC. “I’ve watched Amazon from the start. I think what Jeff Bezos has done is something close to a miracle . . . the problem is when I think something will be a miracle, I tend not to bet on it.”

Munger is unmoved. “I’ve been to Google headquarters - it looks like a kindergarten,” he said.