The Spirit of Motherhood: The Surprises + Challenges + Memories of Our Moms | 17 Listeners Share

Episode 177,   May 13, 2018, 10:13 PM

#177: Our special tribute to our listener community. 17 listener moms open their hearts to us. In an effort to make a grand gesture to my favorite mothers on earth (all of you), I posted on social media, “Who wants to come on the podcast?” And I took the first 17 listeners who signed up. The only requirement was that these mamas have listened to at least 7 episodes. Most of these women had listened to all of them. We recorded these conversations over three days. My "mom questions" were basic. And the responses were profound. I am humbled by your life stories and your strength. There's no better mother's day company, hands down. I feel like I fell in love with 17 mamas this week. Thank you for the wisdom and support you share in this episode.Happy Mother’s Day to all of us. And all of the mothers who came before us. Thank you for sharing the podcast and helping it grow. Thank you to the 17 listeners who dared to reach out and share their voices with us in honor of our mom community. xx Ellie Subscribe on or your favorite podcast app. And find us on social media: Instagram: @atomicmoms, Twitter: @atomicmoms, and Facebook: “atomic moms podcast” Show Notes Including a List of Our 17 guests: Special Thanks to Owen O'Neill for working his sound engineering magic mixing all these beautiful voices!!! Special Thanks to Jeremy Turner for his beautiful original compositions.