Mental Health Minute

Episode 1471,   May 15, 2018, 01:46 PM

BBC and commercial radio stations around the UK united for the first time on 15th May 2018 to broadcast a one-minute message about mental health.

The historic broadcasting aired on simultaneously at 10.59am, featuring globally famous voices talking about the stigma of mental health. With over 300 stations taking part, broadcasting to one of radio’s biggest collective audiences with an average listenership of 20 million, the Mental Health Minute was led by Radiocentre and The Radio Academy. The content was created and produced by content agency Somethin’ Else.

The message sought to recognise Mental Health Awareness Week during the industry’s Radio Audio Week. It was supported by the Royal Foundation’s Heads Together campaign which launched in 2016 to change the national conversation on mental health and tackle the stigma that prevents people from getting the help they need. 

Heads Together brings together The Royal Foundation and eight mental health charities including the Anna Freud Centre For Children and Families, Best Beginnings, CALM, Contact, Place 2 Be, Mind, The Mix, and Young Minds.