Destructive Storms Hit Northeast America

Season 1, Episode 32,   May 16, 2018, 09:14 PM

Plus... A Memorial Day travel warning, an MLB star gets suspended, a robot saying "Yanny Vs. Laurel" sparks debate, Facebook leaks data on 3 million users, Netflix spends millions on upcoming projects, a new study reveals who's the smartest sibling, Amazon faces hacking problems with Alexa, a new report reveals foods that fight wrinkles, more updates on the upcoming Royal Wedding, a new report on when puppies peak, UBER addresses new sexual assault claims, new signs you may be an Instagram addict, busy parents dine and dash, a Canadian paramedic helps fight PTSD, a popular smart doorbell may have a security flaw, Project Runway returns to television and much more for May 16th, 2018. 

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