Keyframe 116 - Assassination Classroom // Dragon Ball // Yusibu
Giant Furry Space Hoppers
Guillermo Del Toro has signed a multi-film deal with Dreamworks Animation to create “family” movies - which basically means that anything that they churn out that has his name on it is definitely getting watched by us (even if it’s Boss Baby 73: Where Does It All Come From?).
In other news, Aardman take everyone by surprise with the announcement of a sequel to Chicken Run, and Aichi Prefecture in Japan have announced the creation of a Studio Ghibli theme park.
Our featured anime are Assassination Classroom Season 2 Part 2, Dragon Ball movies 3 & 4 (The Tree of Might and Lord Slug), and I Couldn't Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job - which is more commonly known as Yusibu.
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