Ep. 14 - One World, One Love #Bourdain

Episode 14,   Jun 13, 2018, 04:01 AM

"Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you… You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind."

-Anthony Bourdain

You sure left some good behind. Thanks for allowing so many people to travel the world with you. Bon voyage.

This week, instead of an interview episode, I record another solo episode in memory of the late Anthony Bourdain and to discuss suicide and depression/mental health (and I'm posting this a day earlier than usual).

Anthony Bourdain was someone who this world desperately needs now. He truly stood for unity of mankind and justice. I'm sure he wasn't even aware that he had become this person, but he was. We were lucky to have him for the time we did.

I'm sure many people had a similar experience as I did last Friday and a couple days following. I hope this episode brings some comfort or at least some organization of thoughts and feelings for you. I had a lot of trouble putting my feelings into words but I think I was able to in the end.

My heart goes out to his family and friends and many others like myself who looked up to him.

Please remember that you are not alone. We're all in this together. One world. One love.

Rest In Peace Anthony Bourdain. Thank you for the travel and the food and all the other good that came with them. I will see you some day and we will finally go on that food trip. :)

If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support:

United States: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24/7 across the US at 1 800 273 TALK (1 800 273 8255)

Outside of US: List Of Suicide Crisis Lines

Some of the information on this episode were gathered from CDC, SAVE.org and Psychology Today.

Edit* 3/16/23
I was told the Save.org link is no longer valid, so here are a couple other links for the information that are present in this episode

This link was given to me by the person that noticed the broken link.