Vectis Movies 21st June 2018 (Ocean's 8; Silver Dollar section: The Book Club, Edie; Hereditary; Secret Movie we've seen that you won't for a while)

Jan 25, 2018, 07:19 PM

This week, The ladies are in town and after your jewels in Ocean's 8. Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson, Mindy Kaling, Rihanna, my word the list goes on. 

We do what we planned to last week and talk about the Silver Dollar/Grey pound phenomenon, with two prime examples in Edie and The Book Club.

Shaun wonders what all the fuss is about with Hereditary, and Tosin and Shaun gloat and glimmer about a film that they got to see before most other people in the country.