The Sunday Sample: "What should we sing at the start?"

Season 1, Episode 39,   Jun 29, 2018, 05:00 PM

Dave Eastman:

"When people come together on a Sunday morning, they have been beaten up by the world. As much as we might encourage them to come spiritually prepared, they are not necessarily in a spiritual state when they arrive. It is primarily the job of the worship team to take these people by the hand and walk them into the presence of God.”

* "Building Worship Flow"; Dave Eastman, 2014 
  • No point putting response before remembering to whom we are responding or why
  • No point putting requests before remembering to whom we are making those requests


1. Songs God-focussed. i.e. not about our response to Him, but who He is and what He has done

2. Flow helps - when gaps between songs are minimised there is less opportunity for the world to intrude

3. Worship leaders connected to God and communicating well with the congregation

4. Pre-service devotional helps the team to be in the state of mind and heart into which we hope to lead the congregation

Key Principle: If we get God at the start we will have an open heart to what his purpose is with us.

Thank you for listening to this recording. You can find more recordings on the same topic here and on the YouTube Sunday Sample playlist.

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Thanks again for listening.

God bless,


“Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” (Psalms 100:2 NIV11)