Ep 68 Karen A. Dahlman on communicating via Quija Board

Oct 16, 2017, 08:14 AM

Karen is host of Creative Visions TV & author of infinite possibilities and a spirit communicator. Having a lifelong connection with spirit beings, she teaches within her books creative ways to commune with the Higher Self, spirit guides and the unseen dimensions and energies that exist among us. Within her message Karen shares the positive side to the Ouija Board as a tool for exploring the expansive realms of consciousness. Being a frequent guest on international talk radio and podcast shows, Karen also shares insight into discovering and unlocking one’s greatness within and expanding this inner guidance system to create one’s desires, dreams and delights. Karen holds a master’s degree from the University of New Mexico in archetypal art therapy, is a licensed psychotherapist and is experienced in hypnosis and past life regression.

please check he work here:- creativevisionspublications.com karenadahlman.com