Investigation :: Episode I: The Apology

Season 3, Episode 1,   Jul 10, 2018, 04:00 AM

This expansive third series in The Orphans' Saga, journeys deeper into the universe than ever before. Space is divided between The Collective, a totalitarian interstellar government that manufactures a workforce of clone slaves, The Alliance, a resistance of clones fighting for freedom, and Wild Space - a neutral zone caught in between the opposing forces. Richard Hart, a clone and private investigator, works the turbulent alleyways of Wild Space one job at a time. His job is already dangerous, but takes a turn for the worse when he's tasked to find the former leader of The Alliance: Nora Evers. To help him on the hunt, he's got to make nice with Alliance General, Diana Strange, and dig into old wounds that haven't yet healed. Credits:Written & Directed by Zachary Fortais-Gomm Starring: Gavin Richards as Richard Hart Brooke Parrot as Diana Strange & Diana Blonde Emily Rowan as Delilah Mallick Fiona Thraille as Sandy Felix Trench as Charles Eros Matt Penson as Xavier Blake Aimee Kember as Nora Evers Sarah Golding as Minister Orsham Ruby Parker-Harbord as Valerie Steele Tanja Milojevic as Mrs. Phillips Michael Hudson as Gregory Karim Kronfli as Freighter Additional Voices by: Alex Bird Music by: James Barbarossa For links and more info, head to the main episode page: