Caller Andrew says he has no concerns over his 21-yr-old son using legal highs

Mar 02, 2012, 09:47 AM

A new legal high called Ocean Snow is being distributed as bath salts. But that's just a cover. It's not something you would put in your bath. Chances are most of you listening have never heard of it. But how many of us had heard of the drug Mephedrone before last year, when the scale of its use here was exposed? Mephedrone was called a legal high then too, but it was banned after politicians spoke out and demanded action. If they thought that was the problem solved, they were wrong. A new substance is now in so called "head" shops called OCEAN SNOW it's being sold as bath salts but is used as a substitute for ecstasy and cocaine. Andrew contacted the show to say his son uses legal highs and he has no problem with him doing so.