Sales Management: Difference between Coaching and Managing, CRM,, Dashboards, Feedback "the Breakfast of Champions", Metrics

Season 1, Episode 811,   Jun 19, 2018, 10:34 AM

From deep withing Fortune 500 healthcare companies, Agent X shares how giving feedback can be career suicide and how some of the best organizations are using feedback to gain a competitive advantage. We also swim into the world of CRM and what Agent X thinks of


For the transcripts and show notes click here.


Topics & References:

Johnson & Johnson (J&J)MedtronicThe Sales Executive CouncilCorporate Executive BoardCoaching vs ManagingDashboardsMetricsFeedbackKen Blanchard - "Feedback the breakfast of champions"No-fly vs spreadsheetGarbage in Sales people fighting the CRM SystemFeedback for leading to decsions based on bad information?if they say they're using, I tell them to run. Metallica - part of the establishmentemotional no-fly zonesConfronting RealityPeople trying to save their jobs instead of good honest feedbackMoving up the career ladder and feedback"they may ask for your honest feedback, but you're stupid to give it because it's a death sentence" Egocompensation plans"the truth does hurt"Feedback traps


Guest:  Agent X

Host: Alex Vorobieff

Co-Host - Paul Roberts