Strained Balance Sheet, Slowing Sales - What Tool Propelled Company to Hit Stretch Goals in 12 months?

Season 1, Episode 773,   May 29, 2018, 10:34 AM

Sebastian Igreti, CEO of TechMD was facing a critical moment. The company recently completed a corporate acquisition and build out of new facilities. The balance sheet was strained just as sales were slowing. The partners utilized many business improvement tools, but one would lead to a breakthrough while teams within the company implemented it on their own without being asked to implement it. Find out what tools flipped the switch for TechMD to turn the tide and reach their stretch goals in twelve months. To read the accompanying article in ConfidentROi Magazine click here.   To read the transcripts and full show notes, click here.   Terms Discussed: Key Decisions - Creating the right cultureDecisions that hampered growth in short term but benefit in long-term. Training technical skills Net Promoter Score (NPS)Smile Back Feedback ToolReal time feedback. Strained Balance SheetHumanPower DecisionsC & D Players4DX - Wigs - Wildly Important GoalsEOS   Partipants: Guest - Sebastian Igreti Host - Alex Vorobieff Co-Host - Paul Roberts