Play to Win - Linsay Andreotti, Brilliance Enterprises

Episode 8,   Jul 30, 2018, 03:37 AM

Lindsay is the founder and CEO of Brilliance Enterprises, working with high school kids for their success through coaching and leadership. Lindsay has served as the Executive Director for Washington Future Business Leaders of America bringing with her many years of experience working with businesses around the world. Lindsay has assisted in the start, growth and development of over 200 companies, small and large, in both public and private sectors as well as for non-profit arenas. With a passion for coaching conscious leaders who want to “play to win” rather than “playing not to lose”, Lindsay has focused her attention and the systems and psyche of the human side of business to create significant results. Some of the companies she has mentored include Tommy Bahama, Coinstar, Microsoft, and hundreds of small to midsized businesses, earning from 50 thousand dollars up to 5 million dollars per year. She taught entrepreneurs at the University of Washington, Foster School of Business and at Albers School of Business at Seattle University. She was co-director for Startup Washington from 2011 to 2013, and gave multiple speeches around Washington State on the subject of leadership and entrepreneurship to make Washington great.