Daily Connect Podcast: Monday 6th August 2018

Aug 06, 2018, 04:20 PM

On today's episode we find out about a new book in the RNIB Talking Book library that will be of particular interest to blind and partially sighted people. It's called the Rules of Seeing and is written by Joe Heap and follows Nova who is blind since birth but regains her sight later in life but not all goes to plan. We hear from our book group on the topic and you are welcome to share your thoughts. Also we meet Community Facilitator Richard Shuker who tells us about a new smart speaker Facebook group he has set up to allow all of us to share our thoughts and suggestions on how best to use the gadget. Also we talk to Lynne about her new guide dog with a difference, and Kirsty James from Wales talks about how she sees with eye conditions Stargaarts and Charles Bonnet Syndrome. #RNIBConnect #TheDailyConnect