CCXC. Kill Your Pets (Petey Deabreu)

Episode 290,   Aug 16, 2018, 04:00 AM

Luis J. Gomez and Zac Amico are joined by Petey Deabreu and they discuss the best motivational music, the RoastMasters cancellation and it's Comedy Fight Club replacement, Seattle plane "hijacker", Jimmy Martinez's hood connections, tombstones, the guy who lost his hands and legs because of a dog lick and how you can prevent this from happening to you and plenty more!  Support our sponsors! Smoked Honey -  We're all big Fans of Smoked honey. If your living in California you should absolutely pick some up. They are hands down the best concentrates available. BeachBody On Demand - Text "Real" to 303030 for access to the entire platform for free! - Use promo code: RAP120  for a 120% bonus on your initial deposit! Follow the whole show: @PDeezJokes, @LuisJGomez, @ZacIsNotFunny, @RealAssPodcast, @GaSDigital, @TheChin_, @IMShannonLee