Keyframe 123 - Lupin III // The Incredibles 2 // Blame! // Yellow Submarine
A Natural Born Lever-Puller
So the World Cup happened, and although it’s ostensibly a football event but given all the drinking that goes on it may as well be related to tea, coffee or any other beverage you’d care to mention. Because of that there wasn’t much happening in the world of animation - unless Japan’s successful run and the self-appointed Commissioner of Football’s reference to Captain Tsubasa sparks a wave of football anime in which case we’d like to see a continuation of Giant Killing please!
Anyway, we’re here to talk about animation and this week we’ve got Lupin III Parts 4 and 5, The Incredibles 2, Blame!, and the classic Beatles movie Yellow Submarine.
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Thanks, and until next time, don't watch anything we wouldn't!
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