Episode 14 - Visuals for your Ears with Emby Alexander

Sep 10, 2018, 04:46 AM

Main Topic: This week we invaded Palabras Bookstore (thanks Rosie) with 3 of the 5 members of Emby Alexander: Michael, Austin, and Jorge. They're a band based out of Phoenix (with the exception of Austin. Hey Seattle!). They've gotten a ton of comparisons but if I had to attach a label I'd go with experimental indie (vs. indie experimental). We discuss how they get creative on tour not just on stage but in the kitchen, their latest singles, the growing pains of gentrification in Phoenix and how it can affect creativity, the lost art of the visual, and how creating the movie soundtrack for Chameleon (written and directed by Trevvor Riley, 2017) differed from creating an album for the band.

Instagram/Facebook/Twitter: @EmbyAlexander

BandCamp: https://embyalexander.bandcamp.com/

Hosted at Palabras Bookstore (Instagram: Palabras_Bookstore)

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