Your Website Is Not About You. Here are 5 Ways to Make Your BnB Website More About Your Customers.

Season 2, Episode 6,   Sep 11, 2018, 03:44 PM

Hello, I’m Yvonne Halling of and today’s video is about your website. I’m going to give you 5 tips on how to make it more engaging and relevant for your visitors so that you get more bookings, so if you’ve got a website that looks nice but doesn’t bring you as many bookings as you’d like it to, then stay tuned and I’ll explain why.

First, your website is not about you, IT’S ABOUT YOUR GUESTS and their experience. What that means is that if it’s all pretty, with flashy images but does not clearly convey who you are, where you are, who you welcome and what you offer, then you’ve lost them within the first 7 seconds.

We have very short attention spans these days, so you’ll only have a few seconds to grab their attention.

Tip #1 take a look at your home page from your guests perspective. Studies show that the top right hand corner is where the eye is naturally drawn so have your contact details and your book now button positioned there.

Tip #2

Is your geographical location clearly stated? You know there are some towns around the world with the same name, so if you’re in say Manchester in the UK and someone is looking for Manchester in the USA, it could get confusing. So make sure your actual location is clearly marked.

Tip #3 and this is the most important one. Take a look at the introductory text on your website. If you’re talking about yourself and not about your guests, then take a step back. Every sentence you’ve written there should be able to stand the “so what” test? What do I mean by that? The “so what” test is when you make a statement about your property, ask yourself, so what does this mean for my guests. Let me give you an example….

We have 5 beautiful rooms all with sea view. How does that statement make you feel? Nothing, right?

Now check in with yourself on this statement… We have 5 beautiful rooms all with sea view, which means that when you wake up in the morning, pull back the blinds, you’ll immediately see the sun twinkling on the water, the gulls flying around overhead, while you sip on your freshly made coffee.

How does that make you feel? I’m willing to bet that you began to picture yourself in that scene, right?

That’s how you make your property irresistible.

Tip #4 

Make sure you have your reviews sprinkled around your website, especially just before you ask your visitors to take the next step, like book a room. You want to be using your reviews as social proof that your hospitality is good, and that future guests can rely on you to deliver. What other people say about us is way more powerful that what we say about ourselves, so if you’re leaving your reviews on the review sites and not using them on your website, strategically positioned to have the biggest impact, then go change that now.

If you’d like to know more about how these strategies and many more have helped my clients to get more direct bookings and attract guests they love, then click on the link below to register below for my upcoming Masterclass where I’ll show you how to make more, work less, pay less commissions with less stress.