Assault on the Caelistis - Part 1

Season 1, Episode 1,   Sep 19, 2018, 05:02 PM

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Chapter One (of Many), Part One (of Three) : Meet Pax (Mike), Ozen (Aaron), D4T4 (Tom) and Jefferson Knight (Jon), the Epsilon Security team aboard the HWBC Caelistis. The ship is under attack and the crew need to work together to save the crew and find out whats going on. The gang romp through a Space wilderness created and described by the GM, Tom (a different Tom).

A podcast of an Esper Genesis game, a science fiction table top role play game compatible with Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.

Think science fiction. Expect to find; Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, BattleSTAR Galactica, Farscape (Starscape), Rick and Morty and Red Dwarf. Then add in some classic table top role play game tropes; critical failures, critical successes, blundering about and not quite achieving what you intended. It's a lot of fun.

Credits: Tom Kirk (GM), Aaron Marday (Ozen), Mike Cole (Pax), Tom Owen (D4T4), Jon Coleman (Jefferson Knight)


Artist: Movie Music

Song: Heaven, Sad, Dream Song

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