Brexit vs IndyRef2 vs Remain… but who wins? Let’s ask ALYN SMITH, SNP MEP for Scotland

Episode 73,   Sep 21, 2018, 05:00 AM


SNP MEP for Scotland Alyn Smith joins us for a spirited discussion of Scotland’s experience of Brexit, what it means for the future of the UK, and the complex relationship between Remainers and Scottish nationalists. 

Is the SNP really not lending its strength to calls for a #FinalSay referendum just because of the prospect of an IndyRef2? Should English Remainers support the SNP and if so why? And Alyn tells us about his electrifying speech after the Referendum when he urged the European Parliament “I beg you, do not let Scotland down.” 

PLUS we welcome brand-new regular INGRID OLIVER – comedian, actor, Brexit commentator and recovering Zygon from Doctor Who – to the show. Does Sadiq Khan’s intervention on a #FinalSay referendum move the needle? Why did the Migration Advisory Committee discover that immigration’s effect on the economy is at worst net neutral and then conclude that we need a draconian and “elitist” immigration policy anyway? And why can’t Brexiters who grew up and were educated in ACTUAL CASTLES keep banging on about 1066 and WWII? (Answer possibly contained within question).

“If people think that their lovely Brexit was stolen from them by a motley collection of filthy Remoaners, Jocks and Paddies, that feeling will go somewhere – and it won’t be good.” – Alyn Smith

This week’s REMAINIACS is produced and presented by Andrew Harrison with Ingrid Oliver and Ian Dunt. Audio production: Jack Claramunt. Remainiacs is a Podmasters production.

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Theme music ‘Demon Is A Monster’ used by kind permission of Cornershop. Buy it here.