Jack Monroe & City Harvest's Laura Winningham & Paula Merrony at the Cookbook Festival with Donna Freed

Sep 25, 2018, 12:34 PM

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Jack Monroe, campaigner & author of Cooking on a Bootstratp; Laura Winningham, co-founder of City Harvest London and Paula Merrony, head of operations at City Harvest London in conversation with Donna Freed at the Cookbook Festival 2018

The Cookbook Festival brought together food poverty campaigner and cookery writer Jack Monroe with City Harvest London to create a delicious brunch with food that would be wasted without City Harvest's efforts. 

City Harvest collects food from supermarkets and restaurants and delivers it to the charities and organisations that feed the hungry. They are witnessing an ever growing need. Both Jack and Paula share their experiences of food poverty and in Paula's case, homelessness. 

www.cookbookfestival.org @Cookbookfestiv1

www.cookingonabootstrap.com @cookingonabootstrap

www.cityharvest.org.uk @CityHarvest_LND