EP016 - Off My Chest Podcast

Episode 16,   Oct 03, 2018, 11:00 AM


This week, we express our love for our Kansas City Chiefs and our man crush for Patrick Mahomes ll. Talks on how the Royals finished out their season. Have a call in from our friend “RAY” to help you with your fantasy football knowledge and picks for this weeks up coming games.

We cover a teacher giving a student a Joey Diaz style beat down as well as our thoughts new rappers and the face tattoo fad. 

As well as a WHOLE lot of bullshi*t

  • the dangers of making sausage

  • Wal-Mart pulls a Wal-Mart 

  • Mail Man: rain, sleet, snow, piss…?

So sit back. Grab a beer and join the guys in some "Beers, Sports, and Other Bullshi*t" Thanks again for listening.

Don't forget you can write us at omcpod@gmail.com or tweet us @OMCPOD on twitter! We'll talk about it on the next episode.

Hosts - Bryce Meehan: @brycemeehan Alex Hebert: @ratpacker99

Don’t forget you can listen to us on all major platforms. Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Play.

#omcpod #offmychestpodcast #offmychest #podcast #comedy #sports #omcpodcast #fantasyfootball #football #funny #gamble #rickybobby #KCChiefs #kansascity #royals #chiefs #brycemeehan #alexhebert