"The Kingdom" Class 1, Malcolm Cox, Thames Valley churches of Christ

Season 1,   Oct 06, 2018, 11:24 AM

“Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.” (Matthew 4:23 NIV11)

What is the Gospel? Matthew 4:23.  If Jesus talked about kingdom, so should we, and we should think about it.

1. What does the OT reveal?

Daniel 2:44

Daniel 7:13–14

Matt 28:17–20

2. What did Jesus say?

Mark 1:14–15

Luke 4:43


Luke 11:19–20


Character: Matthew 13:24

Imminence: Luke 9:27, Luke 9:61–62

3. What does it mean?


Purely personally internal 


The hour of a person’s decision

Mythical symbol

Present with / in Jesus

Kingdom present functioning as precursor to coming perfected kingdom     

Acts 1:6

“The community or people ruled by God and with whom he dwells, to some extent reality now but to be fully consummated in the future”

4. When is it coming?

Luke 19:11

Luke 17:20–21

Matthew 12:28

Luke 1:32–33

5. How can I participate?

John 3:5

6. What should be my response?

Enjoy the abundant (eternal) life now

Receive kingdom / receive eternal life

Matthew 19:16

Matthew 19:23

John 5:24

Through death of self

Luke 18:17

Luke 9:23

Not self-centred denial

But, Christ-centred denial

Leading to eternal impact

Matthew 24:14




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Thanks again for watching. Have a super day.

God bless,


Reading,tvcoc,Thames Valley churches of Chri,ICOC,Tim Dannatt,Malcolm Cox,ICCM,Lower Earley,Southampton,High Wycombe,Oxford,Reading University,Youth Ministry,Bracknell,Bracknell Leisure Centre,Shevvy Dannatt,Mark Abril,Rachel Abril,Churches of Christ,International church,churches close to me,Thames Valley church of Christ,faith,love,Gospel of Matthew,kingdom of God,kingdom of heaven