Funnel Radio Channel Programs for Sept 27 2018: Five Programs hosted by Praill, Vanella, Peterson, Heinz and Silverman

Season 1, Episode 956,   Oct 09, 2018, 04:01 PM

 These are the programs for the Funnel Radio Channel broadcast of Sept 27th. Listen to the entire moring or choose the individual programs below:


9:00 INSIDE Inside Sales with host, Darryl Praill @vanillasoft @ohpinion8ted Guest: Steve Burton, Head of Sales and Training, The Point CompanyTopic: Do you understand why you are prospecting? Are you prospecting because it’s your job? Is there another reason you prospect? Simply stated - do you understand why? If you don’t understand why you’re prospecting then you not going to win. It’s that simple. Join us as we interview Steve Burton — the only two-time and current winner of BESMA’s Sales Trainer of the Year — to drill down on this issue to help you understand the reason you go through the grind everyday.

10:30 SLMA Radio with guest host, Mari Anne Vanella, The Vanella Group @vanellagroup Guest: Diane Updyke @dianeupdykeTopic: The REAL Alignment Between Sales and Marketing in B2B Learn how modern sales teams operate effectively using tools, automation, and critical thinking to build pipeline and get deals across the line.

11:00 am CRM Radio by GoldMine, hosted by Paul Petersen Guest: Stacy Gentile @StacyGentileTopic: The Technologies New Businesses Absolutely-Must-Have in the First Year. From Gentile's deep background as a consultant, he discusses the three technologies that every new business must have to be successful. But during this conversation, he takes a step further and proposes that while marketing must concern itself with the foundational technology needs, it also must be equally concerned with the cash flow the company needs to survive. The program is hosted by Paul Petersen. 

11:30 am Sales Pipeline Radio with host, Matt Heinz @heinzmarketing Guest: Weldon Long @WeldonLongTopic: How Consistency and Focus Took Weldon Long from Jail to the Fortune 500 Listen Live here, or catch up on replays from past episodes >

12:30 PM WVU Marketing Communications Today hosted by Cyndi Greenglass @DirectChick Guest: Peter Revoise @salesbrainTopic: The Persuasion Code: Is there really a part of the brain that decides? Most of our attempts to persuade are doomed to fail because the brains of your audience is wired to automatically reject messages that disrupt their attention. Most people believe that persuasion is more an art than a science because there is not a single complete scientific model of persuasion. In this podcast, we will learn that Persuasion can all be linked to brain science and that the Primal Brain of your audience (the most primitive section of their brain) drives their decision making process. You will also discover what can stimulate that primal organ and how this translate into 4 critical questions you need to address to maximize your probability to PERSUADE.