Shaun Collins, DFID Advisor discusses Mental Health on World Mental Health Day

Episode 535,   Oct 10, 2018, 10:14 AM

Mr. Shaun Collins, a Psychologist by training, appeared live on Miraya Breakfast show to mark World Mental Health Day, celebrated annually on 10th October.

Shaun who is also advisor to the UK Department for International Development discussed a range of mental health issues and stressed the importance of seeking help.

“Look for support, there is no shame in experiencing mental health problems. It doesn’t make you a stupid person and it doesn’t make you a weak person.”

Shaun recommended several measures that we can all do every day to support one another's mental health.

"Chaining someone to a tree, leaving them there until they are too weak to fight, isn’t going to take away the underlying problem. There is a need for treatment, that takes the form of pharmacology, medication, takes the form of counselling, it also takes the form of socially based support,” said Shaun.

He said community leaders have an important role to play to ensure that people with mental health problems are looked after and not banished from society.

Shaun concluded with the important message to people;

“If there is someone in your family or someone in your community who has a mental Health problem, please do not ignore them, please do not leave them to wander the streets, hungry, dressed in rags, take them in, help them, support them.”

If you missed the discussion, you can still Listen to Shaun Collins here.