A (kind of) Conversation

Oct 13, 2018, 06:14 PM

Reimagined by Gregory Kramer: 

"Inspired by the vocalizations of the sea birds, I imagined another presence in the cave, attempting to speak with the birds. The percussive, squawking electronic sounds have some similarities to the bird vocalizations, but are generally different and sometimes drown the birds out. I performed the electronics in response to the bird recordings.

The title of the piece refers to the conversation between the sea birds and electronics. It’s a kind of conversation, as in a type of conversation, but it’s a “kind of” conversation as in kind of/not really. And, ultimately, it isn’t a conversation since the sea birds weren’t actually there, only their recorded voices captured in time."

Part of the Sounding Nature project - for more information, see http://www.citiesandmemory.com/sounding-nature