One Thing That Will Allow You To Make More Money in Your Bed and Breakfast, Guest House or Inn

Season 3, Episode 5,   Oct 16, 2018, 01:39 AM

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Hello, I’m Yvonne Halling and in today’s video I’m going to talk about the one thing that will allow you to make more money, attract the guests you love, while doing less work, and it’s available to you right now.

So if you’re stuck on the hamster wheel of trying to get more and more guests, or looking for yet another online travel agent to list with, or you’re looking for another quick trick to use on social media, then stay tuned, this video will help you.

In my private clients group last week, someone reported her best August since 1997, and while we were all celebrating her enormous achievement, someone else asked “what’s the one thing that you did that made that result happen”.

What she said was gold.

You might think that it would be keeping rooms clean and refreshed every year, or adding more extras into the deals, or discounting prices to get more bookings, or being extra specially nice to guests.

But it was none of that.

Here’s what she said:

The one thing is "confidence". I have confidence in what I offer here, in my upsells, in the whole system. In myself--seeing myself as the '’expert", a specialist, a professional, not a hobbyist. And in that "professional mode" I take care of my guests, and by extension, take care of the money they bring in and that act alone attracts more guests and more money. And from there, I am not desperate to take anybody at any cost. 

If you’d like to find out how to bring in this level of confidence and certainty to your own life, then I invite you now to register for my next Masterclass by clicking on the link below. On this free online training, I will show you the simple 4 part framework that will have you too, making more money, without doing more work, or adding more extras, or discounting your prices.

Click below to register now and I’ll see you there!

And if you’ve liked this video then hit the red subscribe button in my Youtube Channel, so when I post the next one, you’ll be the first to know.