Alec Marshall, MotoAmerica

Season 1, Episode 983,   Oct 22, 2018, 01:33 AM

MotoAmerica is currently the fastest growing motorsport in the world. It wasn't before.While the racing, athleticism, technology and boldness of MotoAmerica has been unparalleled since its launch almost four years ago, the stories that weren't being told, the fans who weren't being found, and the attention this dramatic sport deserved weren't a part of the picture. Creating the event profile, hiring and developing a content team, shaping the promotional strategy and supporting the growth of an emerging media strategy has led to unprecedented sports marketing growth while maintaining the engagement of a core devoted audience. MotoAmerica has seen over 200% audience growth, 100% viewership growth, and significant attendance growth under my leadership, all while maintaining engagement that averages more than 50X (yes, 5,000%) the average engagement of a sports team. While the series was developed to groom American champions for world championship racing, the series itself is approaching and even surpassing the global championship races it was hoping to feed.