Season 2 Episode 5 – Honk If You’re Horny For Spider-Man. BEEP BEEP.

Mar 10, 2018, 01:25 PM

Fanfics read: Lessons Learned on Sesame Street (by The Camel Hump) Underwear (by Spug)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Sir Splee, Chowder Referee: Val

Are you ready to be damaged goods? Forget spending years in an abusive courtship or watching Cannibal Holocaust for 24 hours – Friday Night Fanfiction is here! And they’ve brought brown party liquor!

Get tickled in New York’s happiest neighborhood with everyone’s favorite adorable monster, Elmo in the explicit Sesame Street tale “Lessons Learned on Sesame Street” by The Camel Hump. Then careen the 18-wheeler of your mind into a metaphorical ditch with the Homestar Runner slashfic “Underwear” by Spug and thrill to the musky flavors of HomestarXStrongBad.

Also featuring the best use of J. Jonah Jamison. Ever.

Grab the fic and other stuff at