Episode 150 :: Goblin Slayer RPG Special

Nov 01, 2018, 04:00 AM

Wicked Anime has been around for 150 episodes! Can you believe it? Why have you wasted so many of your limited hours of life on this show?!

. . . IT’S TIME FOR A BRAND NEW RPG SPECIAL!!! In the tradition of a whole 50 episodes that have come and gone since our last RPG special, we figured it was time to bring it back for your listening pleasure. We will be using the BESM system once again to go out on a Goblin hunt! If you have no clue what we’re on about, be sure to check out the wild ride of this season, Goblin Slayer to get an understanding of the universe we are playing in. And trust us, it’s playing with fire!

Join Jonstar, Andrew, Evan, Derek, Greg, and Roomie Raf as they talk about what’s happening in anime and Slay Goblins! PLUS – Apples, female elves?, and I draw my sword. . .